We at C.A. Shea & Company take our motto of “Courtesy and Service” very seriously. Unfortunately, Mother Nature can sometimes step in and make it difficult for us to be available for our clients. When the 2011 Halloween nor’easter knocked the office’s power out for 3 days and Superstorm Sandy interrupted our power and internet for two weeks and we had to work from a remote location, we began working on strengthening our disaster recovery plan. We recently completed the installation of a full office generator, which will allow us to keep our office and computer systems up and running through future incidents. In addition to the generator, we have also installed a satellite uplink system, which will permit us to be available by phone and email, along with continued access to US Customs, in emergency situations. Our goal is to ensure a seamless process that allows us to be able to service our clients, especially when other parts of the country are not directly affected by these incidents.